I started my journey in the US with a Master’s in materials science, at University of Houston under Paul Chu in the physics department. During this time, high temperature superconductors were discovered in his lab, (not by me, but another doctoral student observed zero electrical resistance in a test and we thought the instrument malfunctioned). That was an exciting time, with a race to Nobel prize worthy research and Paul Chu was nominated for Nobel prize but didn’t win it. It went to Bednoz and Muller two German IBM scientists, who showed the class of materials that could go superconducting before Chu did. But they did not achieve the higher temperatures Paul Chu did with his new material.
Then I worked at superconducting supercollider (SSC) Labs to generate very high collision energy for subatomic particle physics experiments. The idea was to discover the much elusive “god particle” the Higgs-Boson particle in the subatomic particle periodic table. European CERN and SSC were competing to discover this particle. But SSC ran into budget problems and Congress canceled the funding. Off I went to get my PhD at University of Texas while my wife was going through her MS program. My PhD was theoretical work in ferroelectrics, an electrical equivalent of magnetic materials for data storage and ultrasound equipment.
Post my PhD, I worked in the industrial R&D side working for such companies as Honeywell, Zyvex Labs, MRI Global Research, and Halliburton. I have also launched a biotech company to develop high throughput assays for ion channel drug discovery using a microchip platform.
After my research career, I settled into a family business of real estate development and Montessori school franchising.
Whenever time permits, I delve into the social psychology aspects especially mind-body connection of health and psychology.